Action plan SIIS 2023-2024
You can download the 2023-2024 action plan (PDF) here.
On 13 January 2023, the Action Plan Fight against Social Fraud 2023-2024 was approved by the Council of Ministers. This plan, which runs for the first time over a two-year period, is a concretisation of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and is the result of an active and constructive contribution from various federal and regional departments and institutions.
It is built around 7 strategic objectives and includes a whole range of actions to combat fraud in social dumping, social contributions and social benefits and thus ensure the financing of social security.
Core elements of the plan include programme operation to combat social fraud, increased attention to working conditions and well-being at work, intensive cooperation, the intervention mix with attention to all phases of the enforcement chain and capacity-building.